1.04 Guidelines - text

"Do the practice and let the practice do the work"

The Three Requirements:

1. Interest- With interest everything will fall into place. If the interest is not there, inquire into what is blocking it i.e. aversion, anxiety etc.

2. Courage-As you become more mindful, feelings and emotion may surface that are unpleasant. It will require courage to just be with them.

3. Practice- Practice, Practice, Practice is the key to developing mindfulness. We use the SPA method of learning: Study, Practice & Apply


Questions- Write down your first response to the reflective questions, without judging the answer as good or bad. There are no wrong answers. The questions are important and they encourage our inner dialogue. They are for the benefit of self-disclosure and self-love.

Commitment- We are committed to bringing a top level instructional M.B.S.R. program to you. We ask in return your willingness to complete the lessons and do the practices as best you can.

Expectations- Do not expect too much of your-self or of the M.B.S.R. program. We are not here to fix ourselves. Rather we are here to know and accept ourselves more fully.

Reading- Read the materials slowly and with Interest. Stopping to open and reflect on the text.

Confidentiality- Any exchange of a personal nature is to be kept confidential.

Friendliness- Consider being your own best friend.


In any practice, there are risks and benefits associated with participation. While it is difficult to anticipate all risks, or indeed all benefits we are obligated to alert participants that such risks and benefits are possible.

Risks- In all physical activity assigned as home practice, it is important that you take care of yourself. Please make sure to stop any exercise, where you feel physical or emotional pain. Explore the boundaries of your limits and do not go beyond them.

Working with this practice can heighten feelings of sadness, anger, fear, and anxiety. These feelings may be more apparent because you are being encouraged to pay attention to them. A pre-existing psychological condition, a history of abuse, drug use or trauma these reactions can be heightened. M.B.S.R. can be an adjunct, but not a substitute, to professional care. Please be sure to inform Ross about any pre-existing conditions that may limit your participation.

Benefits- The practice of mindfulness has been shown in clinical trials to increase awareness and concentration. It can lead to a greater capacity for coping with stress and a shift in one’s relationship to painful experiences. People who practice mindfulness regularly develop a greater capacity to care for themselves. Finally, while there is no guarantee, research indicates many physical and mental health benefits. Some of these benefits will be explored throughout the course.

Consent- By continuing on with this M.B.S.R. online training indicates, that I have read and understood the above risks and benefits and have given my consent to participate in this M.B.S.R. online program offered by Stress Reduction Training.

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